Шура после операции благодарит поклонников за подарки
Recently, Alex has had a difficult surgery on the hip joint, and now he is recovering from surgery.

Шура после операции благодарит поклонников за подарки

The contractor expressed gratitude to the fans who worried for his health. The house of the artist inundated with bouquets and gifts.

“The second day after operation gave many surprises. For me and for my doctors. In the morning me to the ward, carrying flowers and gifts, feel on stage, I was stunned. I do not know who to personally thank, because of the flowers had no identification cards. Particularly pleased that you, my mysterious and beloved, thanked the beautiful bouquets my doctors, for my bright and pain free future.

Шура после операции благодарит поклонников за подарки

The first bouquet I in the truest sense of the word, eat, rather, eat more. Bear in the view, which turned out to be a sweet tooth, was stuffed with candy. Yes! I love them and they are very helpful! Can’t describe the joy that you gave me today! I am happy and glad that you have me there, even when I’m on stage, and in the hospital!” – wrote in the microblog Shura.

According to the singer, joint problems arose from the fact that the performances of the artist always wears shoes with a high platform. But he has no idea how to reach to the audience in ordinary shoes.

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