Сергей Сафронов отправится на гастроли, чтобы не видеть роды супруги
Soon famous illusionist Sergey Safronov will be the father of many children.

Сергей Сафронов отправится на гастроли, чтобы не видеть роды супруги

Sergei will be here for the birth wife, but it’s very worried. The illusionist is even ready to go on their next tour, the main thing to be away from giving birth wife.

Сергей Сафронов отправится на гастроли, чтобы не видеть роды супруги

“Still, frankly, unusual sensations to be with his wife in the office. How will you imagine what will happen at birth, and generally on a tour I want more. Not in vain the will of fate I missed the birth of Alina and Vova. Maybe now it will blow over? To be at birth or not to be — that is the question”, — said Sergey.

Recall that the Safronov is the son of Vladimir and daughter Alina from the previous wife Mary.

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