Беременная Никки Рид получила трогательное поздравление с днем рождения от мужа
The star of the movie “Twilight” Nikki reed waiting for the firstborn.

Беременная Никки Рид получила трогательное поздравление с днем рождения от мужа

Bright stylish pair of two movie stars – actress Nikki reed and actor Ian Somerhalder expect replenishment in the family. Before Nikki celebrated her 29th birthday and, among others, has received, perhaps the most tender and touching gift – the greeting from my husband.

Беременная Никки Рид получила трогательное поздравление с днем рождения от мужа

Беременная Никки Рид получила трогательное поздравление с днем рождения от мужа

“Happy birthday most beautiful person I know… countless reasons – I’m not even going to list them, because all who know or even don’t know you, will agree with me. It’s your day. The love and light that you radiate as a beacon that illuminates the path for all of us. All this love that bears me to the peaceful shores of the house and takes away from the dangerous waters of life… Each new day I see your beauty and energy. I know how lucky I am that I share life with you. With love, Ian” – wrote the actor in a blog and posted pictures of a sweet family celebration.

Беременная Никки Рид получила трогательное поздравление с днем рождения от мужа

Беременная Никки Рид получила трогательное поздравление с днем рождения от мужа

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