Участника «Битвы экстрасенсов» заподозрили в организации теракта Nikita Turchin was detained at the airport of Ufa. Ex-member of the 18th season of the popular project back from home town to Moscow, where he is currently studying and working. However, before the capital, he has not yet managed to reach.
Участника «Битвы экстрасенсов» заподозрили в организации теракта

“Passing through the screening area, I gave my hand Luggage to the security officer of the airport, – shares with “StarHit” Nikita. – He I was detained. “We – he says – can’t let you on the plane, your bag is a huge piece of metal. And this is forbidden”.

The guard did not recognize the guy a TV star. Maybe it’s TNT, but “Battle…”, apparently, ignored. Moreover, security suggested that Turchin is a terrorist who tries to bring a bomb with him.

“The security officer had gutted the insides of my bag, including underwear and a toothbrush,” continues Nikita.

As it turned out, the guard was mistaken for a bomb, a big bunch of keys is an essential attribute of the work of the medium. “Besides, I already flew with them many times, says the guy, and never arouse suspicion”.

In the end the security guard put him before a choice: or he flies, but without the keys, or left in Ufa. Seer refused to leave the bunch at the airport.

Участника «Битвы экстрасенсов» заподозрили в организации теракта“I wouldn’t even have time to give anyone the keys, – sadly says the psychic. – Yes, and I without them?! I work with them. In the end, waved to the plane of the handle. Now here I think what to do. I need to be in the capital, I have business there. Will have to contact the College in which study, explain why again are absent in the lectures. Teachers and so called me “the appearance of Christ to the people.” And the money do not want to lose: one way ticket cost about 15 thousand. I went to the airport authority with a request to at least partially reimburse the cost, but I refused.”

Recall Turchin famously became the youngest participant of the project “Battle of psychics.” In the movie Nikita was only 17 years old.

“Unlike many, came to the project not in 60 years, and in 17! – ironically the guy conversing with “StarHit”. – Although I said, “but who are you, youngster from Ufa, like this?”

As we have noted in his work, Nikita does not use the card and not a crystal ball, and a bunch of keys, he’s collecting them since childhood. Today a bunch already weighs about two pounds. The keys help to interpret certain signs of destiny. And, according to Turchin, they are guides to the souls of others.

“In the spring at the flea market bought a very interesting piece of work, says the MAG. – The seller was surprised when I told him the story of this key. I had a vision that once they discovered the car, which then killed the couple. And the woman was pregnant. And I was right.”