Ольга Рапунцель не одобрила решение сестры выйти замуж
The participant reality show “House-2” Alena Rapunzel has received a proposal of marriage from a man Ilya Yabbarov.

Ольга Рапунцель не одобрила решение сестры выйти замуж

Everyone began to congratulate the parents, but sister Alena Olga and her husband Dmitry Dmitrenko condemned lovers. Olga gave the example, she first got married and then soon pregnant.

Ольга Рапунцель не одобрила решение сестры выйти замуж

“Olya Dima and all his life said that we must first get married, then get pregnant to become a relatives, we with Ilya, need a stamp in the passport… they Have a whole life standards, but for me, honestly, these words do not have logic. This is complete nonsense! I’m with her a lot talked, and we have this misunderstanding, so I just say, “Ol, all, let’s close the topic, you live by their rules, and I will live the way I want it,” replied the expectant mother.

Alena told my sister not to meddle in her life and concentrate on your husband and daughter.

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