Ольгу Гобозову пытались поссорить с Элиной Камирен Eks-the participant “Houses-2” has provoked an ugly thing to do. Olga Gobozov outraged by the transfer of Kamiren, Elina and Alexander Zadoinov. The woman suggests that the story of the paternity of Sasha far-fetched.

      Ольгу Гобозову пытались поссорить с Элиной Камирен

      Former members of “House-2” Elina Kamiren and Alexander Zagainov recently became the heroes of the talk show one of the channels. The former lovers not so long ago announced their breakup.

      Elina, Kamiren for the first time about breaking up with someone: “He just left”

      Alexander and Elina managed to remain friends, keeping good relations for the sake of her little daughter Alexandra. However, Zadoinov suddenly began to doubt that she had a baby by him. To dot the I couple decided publicly, apparently in order for any of the fans of the reality show “Dom-2” left no doubt about their openness.

      Zadoinov doubted his fatherhood and insists on a DNA test

      The air was hot, but as it turns out now, a lot of left overs. One of the guests of the program, the most age participant of “House-2”, not so long ago left the project, Olga Gobozov admitted that in gear it tried to provoke a scandal with Elina, Kamiren. Because Olga never burned a special passion for Elina, forever prodirayas to Zadoinov, which Olga Gobozov is sympathetic, a woman is asked to commit not a nice thing to Camiran. “I said I grabbed Elina’s hair, – indignantly said in microblogging “House-2″ Olga. – I refused, not because Elina was scared, but because of my age and principles are not allowed to do it.”

      In short, the scandal did not happen. However, the story of the elucidation of paternity Zadoinov Olga considers far-fetched, because when Kamiren, Elina and Sasha were on the project “Dom-2” to doubt the sincerity of their feelings no one came to mind. All knew, from whom Elina is pregnant. Olga Gobozov was suspected of selfish goals is Kamiren. The woman is sure that the story of the establishment of paternity needed her more than Sasha.

      Meanwhile, notwithstanding his doubts about the paternity, even before obtaining results of the DNA test, Alexander Zadoinov tried to be a good dad for my daughter Alexandra. It often comes from Yaroslavl, where he settled after leaving from “Houses-2” in Moscow to visit the baby. Zadoinov spends a lot of time with the heiress, inspired sculpts with her cakes in the sandbox and otherwise entertains Alexander. Elina, Kamiren these touching moments between father and daughter captures and publishes on his page on “Instagram”. All three in these pictures look quite happy, and it may seem that walks enjoys exemplary in every sense of the collection.

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