Ольгу Бузову заподозрили в романе с участником «Дома-2»
TV host stirs up the rumors about his new novel.

Olga Buzova, Roman Gritsenko

Photo: Instagram

Olga Buzova was suspected romantic relations with one of
participants “Houses-2” Roman Gritsenko. Says a new member of telestroke
Olesya Chirkova, many participants of the show believe that the aspiring singer is in love with
Of the novel, and it’s mutual.

“I think
them with Olga relations, — said Chirkov portal dom2life. — They constantly look at each other
on the frontal, flirting, Buzova somewhere dropping him on his
car. I heard about this from other members. Every woman
deserves to be happy. Of course, we are not in equal positions
with Olga. Now, if Roma have not had feelings for her…
But it is a personal choice. And they all mutually”.

rumors of a relationship Olga and Roman go for quite some time —
the beginning of autumn. Gritsenko says that this is just ridiculous speculation, and
Buzova connects the project and tender friendship. Olga herself about this store
silence. It is not to refute the information regarding his personal life. Have
the stars began a long concert tour. She has performed solo concerts in Moscow and
Saint-Petersburg — both shows, incidentally, played to full houses. Now
Buzova flew to Belarus to participate in the country’s capital — Minsk.