Милана Кержакова раскрыла правду, как сбросила 22 кг после рождения ребенка
In April last year, the famous footballer Alexander Kerzhakov and his wife Milan became the proud parents of son Artemy.

Милана Кержакова раскрыла правду, как сбросила 22 кг после рождения ребенка

After the birth of Milan very quickly rebounded and hit idealnoy figure. Recently she decided to confess how she managed to lose 22 pounds.

Милана Кержакова раскрыла правду, как сбросила 22 кг после рождения ребенка

“The first two weeks I kept having dad. When I woke up, I was sure for hundred percent that the father saw his grandson and talked to him. I lived in a sort of prostration, in their own world, and I did not to anything. So my diet is not associated with anything fun, as well as not associated with any restrictions. It is associated with our tragedy,” said Milan.

According to the young mom, 10 pounds are gone immediately, and 12 within a few months.

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