Мадонна надолго простилась с Америкой
The singer moved to permanent residence in Portugal..



According to reports the Portuguese media, the 59-year-old Madonna
the family moved from new York to Lisbon. Now she will live in a huge old
the mansion, standing on top of a hill, built in the 18th century. For him
a singer, almost no haggling, posted almost 6 million euros. Moreover, it is
the building impresses not only its architectural qualities and opening of
it types, but because it is close to the training base
local Junior football team Benifica. After all, sporting talent
discovered at her 12-year-old
adopted son David, and his desire to play in this team, and
became one of the motives for moving.

David enjoys football for a long time. And
some time ago, a connoisseur of the sport, who saw the boy on the field, said
the son of Madonna it makes sense to do sport seriously. Because Benifica — favorite team David
the singer decided to show his son the coach of the youth divisions this
team, and that came from the boy in delight. As for education, Madonna chose to teach their children to expensive elite Lisbon a place called “French Lycee”, which is considered extremely prestigious. Now for each of her “children” the singer will have to pay 30 thousand Euro a year.

However, apart from passion, Madonna
to help your son find yourself in your favorite sport, she had another reason to move to Lisbon.
The fact that here lives a new boyfriend of the singer — Kevin Sampaio,
who lives in Lisbon, where does a career in modeling. Madonna so
carried away by her new boyfriend that decided for him to move overseas.
The fact that Kevin only 31 years old, Madonna does not bother, she had
lovers and younger. For example, it
previous mate Abubakr Soumahoro, to whom she “gave down” in
the beginning of this year only 26 years old…