Константин Меладзе объяснил, почему уволил солисток группы ВИА Гра
At the recent music award MUZ-TV Konstantin Meladze got a plate, he was recognized as “Best producer of the decade”.

Константин Меладзе объяснил, почему уволил солисток группы ВИА Гра

The majority of domestic stars wanted to work with Constantine. But according to the producer, he is quite strict with the artists.

If ward stops he likes and does not justify hope, it is easy to let him go.

“Such a thing: if the person has ceased to like me, if he’s disappointed, I’m still this person get rid of. Fire him and all. These things I do very quickly, and I still have a contract or not,” said Constantine.

Indeed, show business is easy to get, but to maintain that much harder.

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