Кэти Перри объяснила, что же происходит между ней и Орландо Блумом
Ten months lasted the relationship of the famous couple, Katy Perry and Orlando bloom, but finally in February, the lovers decided to leave.

Кэти Перри объяснила, что же происходит между ней и Орландо Блумом

Recently it has been rumored that the stars are together again. Such conclusions were made after they were spotted together at the concert, ed Sheeran, and Katy and Orlando all night, showed each other feelings.

“I think people come and go from your life, and it’s great to have people you love, was next. I think for me there are some extremes. You know, the older I get, the more blurred the boundaries” — reply to this rumor Perry.

Frankly, the explanation Katie has turned out ambiguous, she skillfully managed to avoid answering.

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