Екатерина Климова восхитила новой фотографией
Popular actress Ekaterina Klimova and has four children, and next year will be a jubilee for her, Catherine turns 40.

Екатерина Климова восхитила новой фотографией

But the appearance of the actress are the envy of even young girls. According to Klimova, she carefully groomed, active in sports. And here recently, the star decided to publish the picture in his microblog, which has delighted her fans.

Екатерина Климова восхитила новой фотографией

“It was nice in the summer to go to festivals , walk the red carpet, but without night shift ,in the rain , in the cold and mud? Any way”, – signed photo of Catherine.

Members admired the appearance of the actress and peppered her comments. Though the and pretty straightforward, but all the pictures in the figure of Catherine is just awesome for a mom of four children.

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