Обвинения Питта в насилии над детьми подтвердились

As it turned out, a Hollywood actor repeatedly going off on children, and Angie had to calm them down.

Scandal in Hollywood couple is gaining momentum. More recently it became known that pitt had refused to fight for kids in court, and now all was under investigation for verbal abuse of children. Law enforcement bodies have appeared new details of “happy family life”: pitt drove the boys to tantrums.

The FBI investigation against pitt has already given first results. And very sad… the Department for the protection of families and children increased the duration of the investigation, as the fact of verbal violence over the sons and daughters came to light not one, but remembered such a lot!

It is curious that official representatives of the star have reacted to the information. They deny all the allegations against the children’s father and emphasize active collaboration of the actor with law enforcement and child protective services. Brad regularly consults with specialists, twice voluntarily tested for drugs and a couple of times to see the kids, and in the presence of a psychologist. Moreover, according to the press attache of the actor, he met with his eldest son Maddox, although the Western media reported that the teenager and know the father is not willing.

We will remind, about the breakup of one of the most beautiful couples of Hollywood became known about a month ago. Filed for divorce, Angelina, putting as a reason irreconcilable differences. However, as it later became known, the reason lies in the turbulent temper of the spouse and his quarrel with his eldest son on Board their private ship.

More news about the divorce, Jolie and pitt HERE.