Брэд Питт завел близкую дружбу с эффектной израильтянкой
The actor is enjoying the bachelor life.

Брэд Питт завел близкую дружбу с эффектной израильтянкой

Brad Pitt


Recently 54-year-old brad pitt, who is preparing to complete his protracted divorce from Angelina Jolie, increasingly see in society a bright brunette. He sits for hours with her at a table in a cafe and leads a lively
conversation. It is impossible not to notice that both clearly get genuine pleasure from each other’s company. How did you manage to find out reporters
constant companion brad Neri Oxman. She is 42 years old, she is an architect, who is also
teaching. Neri was born in Israel, but works great
of the time in America.

With pitt at Oxman a lot in common: first of all, brad is passionate about
architecture. In his youth, pitt dreamed of becoming not an actor, and architect. But although
he has developed a brilliant career in Hollywood, his passion, he has not forgotten,
turning it into a hobby. Currently, brad leads a large project Make It Right Foundation
the company involved in designing affordable housing. The house, built on the projects of this company can be found in the New
Orleans, Kansas City, Missouri….

Besides, Oxman is also a painter whose paintings are exhibited in
the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the museums of Vienna and Boston. And pitt, as long as
Angelina Jolie has announced that it is divorcing him, got into sculpture and now spends
long hours in my art Studio in Los Angeles. So brad and Neri have something
to talk. To call the novel actor with Oxman relations is, perhaps, too early.
But, according to friends, pitt, is clearly a tendency of becoming
they are very close friendships in a romantic.

Neri Oxman

Photo: Instagram @womenofarchitecture