Борис Корчевников не может забыть предательство со стороны второй половинки
Today Boris korchevnikov is one of the most sought after TV presenters in the Russian show-business.

Борис Корчевников не может забыть предательство со стороны второй половинки

Young people have time to work on several projects to devote himself to philanthropy, but he still could not find marital happiness. Recently in an interview with reporters Boris remembered the betrayal of his girlfriend.

Борис Корчевников не может забыть предательство со стороны второй половинки

“I have a life before I got to know God, and then. Here the life to the Church, happened the betrayal of friends, the girl was in love. All corny. When I got to know God, my environment began to change very much,” said korchevnikov.

Boris does not shy from the fact that still lives with his mother, but hopes that will be able to find a soul mate and build a family.

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