Архивный снимок Наргиз Закировой удивил поклонников
After participating in the popular project “the Voice” Nargiz Zakirova was able to continue her ascent to the musical Olympus.

Архивный снимок Наргиз Закировой удивил поклонников

The other day in the microblog singer has been made a few years ago. In the picture you can see that then Nargis was gorgeous long hair.

Архивный снимок Наргиз Закировой удивил поклонников

“When I was young, I never never needed and I perceived love just as fun. Those days are gone…”, – wrote under a photo Zakirova.

This publication created a furor in the Network, the fans are not tired to discuss, what was the star a few years ago.

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