Анна Седокова получила серьезную травму ноги
The singer had violated the advice of a doctor.

Photo: Instagram

Anna Sedokova has seriously damaged the ligament on the foot. This happened during her tour. The doctor, urgently summoned to “save” her from the wild pain, diagnosed severe sprain and prescribed at least two weeks of bed rest. He forbade her even to stand up! And especially not to allow physical exertion. But the artists — the people willfully. The same evening Sedokova went to his concert on his own feet.

“All this time I was afraid that the trauma someone will notice, — says Anna. Most of hell is to sit in the car and lift the leg. In Kharkov we had a jeep with two steps. You should have seen how looked at me drivers. With the speed of a turtle I, “the sex symbol”, hobbled out of the train car. From one machine to another. The vehicle has crossed the border. “Where’s Anna, you can take pictures?”Now-now, she lies on the back seat, that lifts the head, see. I was really scared: how am I going to the concert? Behind the scenes stood the chair on which I had to lean against part of the concert, if you can’t stand on my feet and I’m on pain meds, which is without a prescription not even sell, came on the scene. And the fear vanished. The man who has caused extreme pain steps in the car, half an hour rode around the stage in heels, and the only thing I regretted not to fall on my knees, because then would not have risen. I will fall further and will pass as MJ, I promise! In us far more than we think, and only self-pity makes us weak. A person is able to heal itself. Simple autosuggestion and adrenaline. Emotions. The chair did not need. Ligaments heal. Do whatever makes you overcome yourself! Do what makes you happy!»

Not all fans approve of such an act star. In fact undertreated trauma in the future can result in much more serious problems. But the singer has an incentive. First, she can’t fail her fans who buy tickets to her performance and waiting for her. Second, the money. On it hangs the fate of the entire team that needs to pay salaries. And, of course, children. Sedokova has repeatedly said that she has always did for their children. And even now her middle daughter Monica resides with her father in America, Anna meets the life of two other children — 13-year-old Alina and 10-month-old Hector.

“I’m strong, and I do it,’ she says. — As hundreds of thousands of moms who raised their children without a dad. I admire each one of us. All will be well. And by the way: my story is not about men. It’s about the amazing mothers about my relationship with my daughter. It’s a pain. I do not blame anyone, do not feel sorry for myself and thank God for every second of life. I’m very happy, and life is incredible. Whether still will be!»