Земфира рассказала, за что ее отругала Рената Литвинова The Director made the girlfriend remark about performing on stage. Zemfira admitted that Renata Litvinova has not endorsed one of the tricks that the vocalist has done at a concert.

      Земфира рассказала, за что ее отругала Рената Литвинова

      The Friday edition of “Evening Urgant” on channel one was devoted to the singer Zemfira, which this year celebrated its fortieth anniversary a large-scale concert tour around the country called “Little man”. Vocalist as part of the tour gave more than twenty concerts.

      “I am a big fan of Zemfira, watching her work from the beginning, and if not moved to live in Moscow, probably would have the head of her fan club in St. Petersburg”, – admitted at the beginning of the program, the host Ivan Urgant.

      Zemfira appeared in the Studio to loud applause from the audience gathered in the hall. The main reason for the meeting was, of course, a Grand tour of the singer. “How do you know that the tour is going well?” asked by Ivan Urgant.

      “And I have a long time no bad rounds – with a laugh said Zemfira.- I appreciate it in fullness of the hall. All comers can count on a good night. I rarely ride”.

      At a concert Zemfira appeared a luminous boat, which from hand to hand around the room transfer fans of the stars. Ivan Urgant admitted that when he saw this incredible beauty of the spectacle was fascinated, and then surprised when I learned that Zemfira and her team do not have this know-how is irrelevant.

      “The first concert I saw the boat first, and for me it was amazing,” said singer. – I understand that it will be at the second concert, and decided that I would sit in it and float. I swam, Renata Litvinova made a comment to me why I got into the boat, as if it was so intended by the filmmakers. But the fact that sound check we rehearsed, as I sit”.

      By the way, Zemfira and Renata Litvinova has long ceased to hide their relationship. Two talented women are very sensitive to each other. Zemfira once admitted that she doesn’t need friends, only one Renata. Zemfira and Renata Litvinova talked about their relationship

      It is worth noting that Renata Litvinova came to the program, Ivan Urgant, to support your friend. But you chose not to appear. Immediately upon completion of the program “Evening Urgant” channel one started showing Zemfira concert in “Olympic”. The singer admitted that she was incredibly nice to work with the team First. “This is very good work, but I see his concert I will not” – said in the final conversation Zemfira.