Зара балует своих сыновей перед Новым годом
The singer bought the boys a unique device.

Zara with his sons Daniel and Maxim

Photo: @zara_music Instagram Zara

this year Zara has conceded to the pleas of children… apparatus for the production of sugar
wool. “Sons can’t live without sweets. Had to concede. Most importantly, to create
the Christmas atmosphere, and I’ll be happy.” The singer admits that
the search for that equipment, she spent a lot of time and effort. “At first I didn’t
understand where you can buy it and how to get home unnoticed, but helped me
my mother, who liked the idea”.

Recall, for several months, Zara brings the boys one summer, she
announced the divorce with her second husband, Sergei Ivanov. The singer’s marriage,
seemingly from perfect, failed.

Problems in the family of the Zarhites started a few years ago, but for a long time, the wife
tried to establish a relationship for the sake of
their two children — Daniel and Maxim. After it became clear that
family harmony did not return, the pair decided to leave. The children were
to live with my mom, but my dad often comes to visit them. To help the boys,
the eldest of whom is only six years old, survive the incident, the singer canceled
most planned for summer concert performances. Now she
tries to spend with his sons all his free time. Performer
also admitted that he had not set priorities in life nor in favor of a career,
nor in favor of the family.

The wedding of Zara and Sergei Ivanov took place in 2008. Two years after
wedding at
was born the eldest son, Daniel, and
2012 came to light Maxim. Prior to that, in 2004, the singer have already one
time to be married. However, then her marriage to Sergei Matviyenko lasted only
a year and a half.