Юрий Лоза ответил на нападки недоброжелателей The performer of a hit “the Raft” appeared in the center of the scandal. Yuri Loza believes that his words from a recent interview were taken out of context. Singer and composer published in the social network accusatory statement.

      Юрий Лоза ответил на нападки недоброжелателей

      The author and performer of imperishable hit “the Raft” unexpectedly, even for myself was on everyone’s lips. After a series of vivid expressions Yuriy Loza has been hotly debated person in the Runet. It is noteworthy that the artist did not aspire to such popularity, on the contrary, he is indignant at what is happening in the Network.

      It all started with the fact that the singer and the composer came as an invited guest in the program Zakhar Prilepin “Salt”. There the conversation turned to the legendary musicians, whose work the jury decided to give their own assessment. Later his words were taken out of context by some members of the media and circulated on the Internet.

      Thus, a particularly turbulent emotions in users has caused the phrase Vines that Rolling Stones “guitar is not set up in your whole life never”. The artist was showered with dozens of memes – humorous images – for example, with the participation of guitarist Keith Richards, who asks Yuri to set him a guitar before the concert.

      Performer of the smash hit “the Raft” could not appreciate the humor of Internet users and feedback from colleagues. Yuri was very angry because of the information noise that rose around his humble person.

      “In journalism is a long known technique called “teaser”. This is when out of context phrase, paragraph or sentence is cut some part and is served in the form of an independent semantic structures. This is done to give the information a different, sometimes even opposite sense, said the Vine on his page in the social network. – For example, I declare on television: “Ritchie Blackmore and played well, and today plays great, and Keith Richards and played poorly, and now playing bad.” Trying to do the artist stuff, not burdened with decency a journalist publishes a note under the heading — “the Great” thoughts “great” men, which shortens my phrase to “Keith Richards and then played badly, and played badly today”, thereby adding me as an object of discussion. And what am I supposed to answer them? What about me in the conversation at all it was not? So it’s obvious from the context of the whole rant! That everyone has the right to compare anyone with anyone, if the characters are pretty much the same? So it goes without saying!”

      It should be noted that the true fans of Yuri Loza hastened to reassure their idol. “Yuri Eduardovich! Your audience does not read yellow Newspapers”, “And here I am 30 years old “Raft” listen, and still occasionally a lump in my throat. Bright and sad song. Thank you, Yury Eduardovich respect and love! Envy!”, – they wrote in comments to the post of the Vine.

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