Юлианна Караулова отложила свадьбу с возлюбленным

Singer Yulianna Karaulova walked along one of the embankments Sochi, and gave an interview to the magazine Hello!, which talked about why they postponed the wedding with her lover. Also, the star shared how it has been in the role of Charlize Theron and more.

Юлианна Караулова отложила свадьбу с возлюбленным

In recent times the career of the actress coming up, what time for personal life remains very little. Recording clips, new songs and touring takes a lot of time and effort. Because of this, the Julianna had to cancel planned the wedding with the beloved sound-producer Andrey Cherny. “I just started to work with Yana Rudkovskaya, there are many work situations that require quick decisions, and a celebration like a wedding, after all, involves complete immersion and great emotional costs: this is a very personal event. For me is now a priority job, and fortunately, Andrew understands and accepts, the more we work with him in one area.” recognized Karaulov.

5th July released a new clip of the singer, the idea of which belongs to Yana Rudkovskaya. Filming began Director Alexey Golubev. In the clip, the singer appeared in a gorgeous gold bodycon dress, then straddled the motorcycle, and at the end of the clip steadily dropped dress. Many liked such a serious step, but others reacted negatively. “Someone trying to “expose”, “Oh, you used the ideas from famous commercials!” As if we ourselves didn’t know that! (Laughs.) Not everyone understood why I did it, but most people said that was good and worthy. I can only say that I’m not ashamed of this job — I’m very pleased with the result.” tells Karaulov.

Юлианна Караулова отложила свадьбу с возлюбленным

Future husband just could not stay away. On account of the scene with the dress the singer agreed with him initially, causing problems with her beloved she was not. But working with young people of course caused jealousy.

“In recent months, I toured a lot, is now actively working in the Studio. In late October, I released the single and video for the song “Just because you want to”, November 17 — EP “Phenomena”. I’m uncomfortable when I’m sitting in one place doing nothing, I’m a very ambitious person.” talks about his current plans for the singer.

Like many stars, Julianna wants to collect “Olympic” at the concert. “I once drove five and a half hours from new York to Washington to get to the Taylor swift concert. Can’t say I am her fan, but never been to such events in America, and I was wondering how it works. I can say that the scale of this event struck me: a stadium with 60 thousand people and no free space! At such moments you understand how it works differently show business, we have something to strive for.” says the girl.

Because of the loaded schedule, the singer rarely see my family and loved ones, so if it will be a couple days off, the singer will spend them with family and friends. So the girl believes that real friendship is possible in any field of activity. “Show business is often compared to a battle field, but I’m sure wherever possible to remain human and maintain cordial relations. I have friends, and old friends. I have since the days of “American idol” close friends with Natasha Podolsky, five years ago found a friend in the face Bianchi.Yu At the moment, virtually my entire circle of friends — people who in one way or another are related to the media industry, and I believe that it is normal that friends should have common interests.” says Julianna.