Юлии Снигирь и Ане Чиповской пророчат суперпопулярность в Греции
Greek TV channel bought rights to show the series “ordeal” with the participation of Actresses.

Юлии Снигирь и Ане Чиповской пророчат суперпопулярность в Греции

Yuliya Snigir and Anna chipovskaya

Greek TV channel ERT3 acquired the rights to the show
the chief revolutionary of the series last autumn, “the ordeal”. Premiere
12-the serial film was held on NTV in November 2017 in the days
the century of the great October revolution. And the international premiere of the series took place
on the eve in Cannes at the annual international exhibition MIPCOM. Distribution
project at a global market deals with Dori Media Group.

of sorrows” — the film adaptation of the great Roman epic by Alexei Tolstoy of the same
a name that tells about a turning point for Russia the events of 1914-1919 years.
The main roles in the film — sisters Bulavina did Yuliya Snigir and Anya

Bulavin (Anya chipovskaya) arrives to study at the law school from his native
Samara to St. Petersburg. She lives together with her older sister Katia (Julia Snigir) and
her husband, lawyer Nikolai Sokolnikov. Dasha head goes in life
creative Bohemians of the Northern capital and fascinated the young poet Alexei
By Bessonov. But one evening family life is crumbling: it turns out Bessonov
stole the heart of her married sisters. Opened after the infidelity the spouses separate,
and she met with the engineer of the Baltic plant by Telegin Ivan (Leonid

by agony”, one of the flagship projects of NTV, symbolizes a new quality
the level of our serial production. Not surprisingly, it just
took on the last film market MIPCOM. Dori Media told us that
the series has generated huge interest and we hope to see his success in
Greece and other countries in the next few months. We hope that
the Greek audience will enjoy the atmosphere of the Russian revolution, which marked a turning
moment in the history of the country”, — said the General producer of NTV television.

the moment we are negotiating the acquisition of the rights to broadcast the series “Walking
of sorrows” in more than ten countries.

Yuliya Snigir and Anna chipovskaya

Photo: NTV