Юлию Михалкову публично обвинили в обмане
The participant of the show “Ural dumplings” Yulia Mikhalkov often invited to various events.

Юлию Михалкову публично обвинили в обмане

About a year ago, Julia has agreed to a request by the organizers to be the face of their agricultural fairs.

The competition was won by the girl as a gift she was handing a refrigerator.

A year has passed, but the promised gift girl and has not received and decided that to blame Julia.

“I was just the face and Ambassador of the project. All my “sponsorship” part was only that I worked as the leading entertainment program completely free. My participation in the project ended. Really like the face of the fair, I handed over the certificate on the fridge to the winner. But no agreement that I should pay the prize, of course, was not. Believe me, if I gave such a promise, I would certainly have done it – said the star.

Note that the winning girl wants actress she at least reimbursed cash value of the gift.

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