Евгений Петросян отрицает знакомство с убитым отцом-насильником Mikhail Khachaturyan died at the hands of his own daughters. As it turned out, the man mocked by the three heirs, interacted with many celebrities, including Yevgeny Petrosyan, Abraham Russo and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.
Евгений Петросян отрицает знакомство с убитым отцом-насильником

In Moscow there was a really terrible tragedy. Three sisters, 17, 18 and 19 years old killed his father, Mikhail Khachaturian after years of bullying. The tragedy occurred on July 27, and the next day the girls got caught. They did not deny his guilt, but rather decided to share horrific details of the torture perpetrated by the mother father.

As it turned out, the last two years of life of the young Mary, Christina and angelina was like hell. Father did not let them out of the house, not allowed to learn why the younger daughter was not able to pass the exam. Also, Khachaturian was beating daughters, and one of the heiresses, even sexual harassment, then tried to commit suicide.

“There was a case when the father found the coat from the dog on the carpet. He called one of the daughters, threatened, ordered to scratch the dog and it has fur”, — told reporters one of the friends girls.
Евгений Петросян отрицает знакомство с убитым отцом-насильником

As a result, the sisters attacked the father when he was sleeping and inflicted many knife wounds. Bleeding Khachaturian tried to escape, but eventually died. It is also known that the man managed to put one of the heiresses stab wound in the area of the thigh.

A complete surprise was the fact that Mikhail Khachaturyan, commit atrocities with their own daughters, outwardly gave the impression of a very respected man. His social networks have been able to find photos of domestic stars, which were observed by Russo, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Yevgeny Petrosyan. Also on the home life often attended Church together with heirs.

But Yevgeny Petrosyan denies that familiar with the victim. Moreover, the comedian wasn’t even aware of the incident in the capital of the tragedy.

“Who is it? I don’t remember Khachaturian. The first time I hear about this man. Daughter stabbed him? Are you serious? Maybe he’s somewhere in a crowded place, I was approached and photographed? I don’t even know this person at all, but a terrible story,” said Petrosyan “StarHit”.
Евгений Петросян отрицает знакомство с убитым отцом-насильником

But the neighbors of Khachaturyan knew about his atrocities. They noted that he frequently behaved inappropriately, took medications and had a row with her daughters. However, all these warning signs not brought them to the idea of having treatment in the bodies of social protection.

Mother Mary, Christina and angelina the victim broke up about four years ago. As it turned out, he forbade the girls to see his mother, and in recent months did not let them out of the house.

But the brother of three sisters, staged a brutal massacre, did not agree with the accusations against the father. 21-year-old Khachik Khachatryan is sure that his dad couldn’t do such creepy things, and so to help the sisters in the near future will tell, he is not going to.

“He was taking psychotropic drugs. As he spoke, from the stress, so not to worry. Just when people rukoprikladstvo — it does not mean that it is bad,” — said the son of a 57-year-old domestic tyrant.

The brutal murder caused a wide public resonance. Eventually, people even began to create a petition, calling on the investigative Committee or to commute the sentence to three sisters, stabbed father, or even to let them go. However, while law enforcement officials insist to judge girls according to the article “Murder”.

Now, “REN-TV” doesn’t tell you what the verdict will make Mary, Christine and angelina. However, public sympathy, despite the terrible crime, was on the side of the sisters.