Евгений Миронов готовит самый звездный спектакль сезона
Boyarsky, Mironov and Khamatova, Gordin and Verzhbitsky together will take the stage.

Евгений Миронов готовит самый звездный спектакль сезона

Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Photo: Mark Steinbock

Евгений Миронов готовит самый звездный спектакль сезона

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Elizabeth Boyarskaya has another reason to move from St. Petersburg, where she works in the theatre of Lev Dodin and where her parents and son to Moscow, where the Moscow art theatre is her husband Maxim Matveev. Extremely popular in the movie and theater star in an interview, admits that living in two cities is not easy. But that she was made head of the Theatre of Nations Yevgeny Mironov, Elizabeth could not refuse.

And it is not only the most stellar part of this production: in “Ivanov” by Chekhov, in addition to the knights and will play Mironov, Chulpan Khamatova, Igor Gordin, Viktor Verzhbitsky. And not that this play Yevgeny Mironov will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary.

The fact that “Ivanov” Chekhov wrote at the request of the entrepreneur Fyodor Korsh, who worked in the same building, which now runs the Theatre of Nations and which will be released Boyarsky and colleagues! The Director of the play will be the 31-year-old Director-a rebel Timofey kulyabin, which after the scandal with the production of the Opera “tannhäuser” at the Novosibirsk now in great demand at the best venues in the country, including Bolshoi theatre.

At the opening of the tenth anniversary of the theatre of Nations season artistic Director Mironov spoke in detail about the other season premieres, which will be a lot. After all, theatre in addition to Large and Small scenes appeared ultramodern “New Space”
Strastnoy Boulevard, is designed for experimental performances, exhibitions and musical evenings.

Евгений Миронов готовит самый звездный спектакль сезона

Yevgeny Mironov and Julia Peresild

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Ivan Panfilov, Inna Churikova, Gleb Panfilov, Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Photo: Yury Feklistov

In the play “Thunderstorm” Ostrovsky, the main role of Katerina Kabanova will be performed by Yulia Peresild, in the remake of the film Alexandrov’s “the Circus” in Love Orlov reincarnated Ingeborga Dapkunaite. And in the play “the Audience” will flash, Inna Churikova. Her husband, Director Gleb Panfilov made the Russian version of the play by British playwright
Peter Morgan. “The audience” consists of the dialogues of Queen
Queen Elizabeth II with all the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom in the last
60 years, from Winston Churchill to David Cameron. In the London staging of
“The audience” in 2012 the British monarch played by Helen Mirren. Now the Russian Elizabeth will be Churikova.

In the nearest plans of the theater play “a Clockwork orange”, which is known to viewers of the film adaptation by Stanley Kubrick, “Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy” by Daria Ursulyak and Michael
Tee and statement about the life of modern youth “Breathing” Duncan Mac Millan directed by Marat