Егора Холявина обвинили в излишней женственности Not all appreciated his transformation. Egor Holyavin trying hard to become Ken. It has gone through several plastic surgeries, and recently made permanent makeup. However, instead of joy, the man got a huge number of negative reviews.
Егора Холявина обвинили в излишней женственности

The former participant “Houses-2” Yegor Halavin boldly to his goal – to turn into Ken. He’s endured numerous plastic surgeries in order to get closer to the dream of a perfect appearance. However, many fans of Yegor not welcome such a transformation. Followers believe that he goes too far in the pursuit of beauty.

Not so long ago, man did permanent makeup, but now, when he shows the result, the fans considered him too feminine.

“Why so much makeup? Show the real face and the skin,” “Like a mummy! Why so corrupted itself. After all, how thin was normal, What have you done to yourself? normal guy was, and now it is terrible to watch you, when lost, became generally eligible bachelor, and now what is it? A few short years will sit and watch you and forget about you”, “What have you done? So why mock him? The impression that you’re a fake. And why pictures are almost all from one angle? Why no smiles? Or are you afraid of wrinkles? And it is better to get married to all the crap out of the head,” wrote a follower.
Егора Холявина обвинили в излишней женственности

Now Greg already thinks he’s Ken. He recently declared in a microblog that is going to organize a massive party in honor of its 30th anniversary. “Birthday “the First Russian Ken”. 24 may in the capital will be the most unusual secular party of 2017! The event, which will bring together many representatives of Russian show-business, dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the first recognized Russian Ken Yegor Holavina,” announced the man.

Егора Холявина обвинили в излишней женственности

Now the man is worried about housing costs, traveling by car with a personal driver and numerous plastic surgeries. Victim of plastic surgery Yegor Halavin admitted who provides it

Former member of “House-2” admitted that the extra weight hindered him in life. Yegor did not like his own reflection in the mirror and photos. Despite the fact that everyone around him he said he feels comfortable in his body, in fact, the way he tried to justify himself.