Яна Троянова рассказала о кошмарном замужестве
The star of the show Olga admitted that the first marriage was for her “personal hell.”

Photo: Philip Goncharov

The heroine Yana Troyanova in the series “Olga”, the second season of which show on TNT, won the hearts of the spectators. Anybody for a long time so not sympathetic! Fans of the actress rightly believe that Ian was able to create a vivid image of a woman-divorcee with a complicated personal life.

“Always wanted to be for his people — recognized Troyanova. — Olga speaks the language of millions of women in our country: single mothers, divorcees. We have always been very much. Our grandmothers in the war lost their husbands and raised their children alone. Our mom was also a single and raised us. Many of our generation have children and rely only on themselves. I myself came from a broken family. Since childhood, saw how mom could out — two kids, three jobs. Her favorite words: “So, I have a twist, girls! All, do not interfere!” These women for me is a miracle. Still take baby the circle will develop. Mom and girlfriend were all single mothers. Remember the day of my wedding, they lined up on the balcony of our apartment and watched from there as the groom makes me out of the house on hand. And was happy for me: “Well, at least some of us have learned from this house in a white dress!” But really I was carried to hell… Very bad I had a marriage… good memories just from the hospital. All! The rest of the fight, betrayal, humiliation… When I was in the hospital with a broken nose and severe concussion, mom came in and said, “Not for that, I gave birth to you”. And then I got divorced. After marriage remained parched field… more I did not dare officially to get married”.

Full interview of Yana Troyanova read in the latest issue of the magazine “7 days”. Now!