Яна Рудковская худеет на черной икре
The producer told how to lose weight quickly.

Яна Рудковская худеет на черной икре

Yana Rudkovskaya

Photo: Elena Sukhova

Producer and socialite Yana Rudkovskaya confessed that her husband, Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko, prefer skinny girls. That’s why she is trying to match
ideas your spouse about the real female beauty. Rudkovskaya tries
to eat healthy, but sometimes arranges itself fasting days or more
days sitting on an Express diet.

Its essence is to eat black caviar in
unlimited quantities. Says Rudkovskaya, best for diets foods not
to find, after all, black caviar is rich in protein and a number of nutrients, vitamins and
minerals. But of fluid is allowed only in ordinary non-carbonated water
the number of the at least two liters per day.

To comply with this diet for a maximum for three days. Just
a few days can lose weight by 3-5 pounds.

As Yana Rudkovskaya advises his fans a few days of fasting. “If
we talk about food — I’m all for fasting days. When possible, sit on
kefir. The first 5 days I drank only 1.5 liters of yogurt, 6 servings a day and
nothing more. If it was difficult? Yes, but only the first 2 days. You can lose weight
up to five kilograms,” — said Rudkovskaya.

Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Plushenko

Photo: Yury Feklistov

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