Яна Поплавская не торопится со свадьбой с молодым возлюбленным
11 years of popular actress and presenter Yana Poplavskaya is found with her lover, journalist Yevgeny Yakovlev.

Яна Поплавская не торопится со свадьбой с молодым возлюбленным

Ian rarely attended social events with her partner. Poplavskaya admits that they have three years to live together, but do not hurry with the wedding.

“My husband for all these eleven years that we know each other probably five times to propose to me. For the first time in 2006! I haven’t decided yet, but I think that will solve. Now I already know that blue stamp to remove quickly – in two weeks. The relations are not affected, and from a legal point of view you can always negotiate on the shore. Therefore there are no certain fears I have. I already passed all the stages and understand what marriage, registry office, divorce, and my husband knows it. Another question – wedding, it should be beautiful next event,” shared the actress.

Who knows, maybe soon Jan still ripe to sign with her civil husband, and will share with us photos from the wedding.

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