Ксению Бородину вынудили прокомментировать беременность Presenter answered questions of users of social networks. Previously, some fans of Ksenia Borodina decided that she is preparing for the replenishment of the family. Is the celebrity with humor refers to various conjectures.

      Not so long ago fans of Ksenia Borodina suspect it is that she is preparing to become a mother for the third time. Leading repeatedly published photos in loose clothes, which social media users saw the rounded stomach. In this regard, they began to congratulate Xenia with the upcoming replenishment in the family. Celebrity familiarized with the reaction of the fans and were quick to respond to their many comments. She assured the public that such a speculation is far from the truth.

      Fans of Ksenia Borodina talking about her third pregnancy

      “Guys, you do not understand, that I’m too thin, is credited with the pregnancy, the abdomen spotted some. You’ll have to determine, and your advice to eat the beginning, maybe not worth it, and you’ll have to choose something thick, then thin, then pregnant, other conditions are not easy. And already journalists are attacking directly with this question, you better work ultrasound. But the blood did not show pregnancy, only recently handed over, checked their health. Maybe the blood lie, you know better than that” – with humor said the leader.

      Fans of Ksenia Borodina immediately began to write that she looks amazing. According to them, the star is in fine form. In addition, they joked about the rumors that are actively spread in the Network. “Xenia, you’re super”, “Beautiful”, “Elegant woman. Do not read all in a row on Instagram, “the Figure is excellent. Do not try to lose weight, and then the wind will blow”, “You’re gorgeous, don’t listen to nobody”, “Pretty”, “What nonsense people have come up with”, “You are very sweet and nice,” was discussed by the fans leading.

      Recall that Ksenia Borodina and has two lovely daughters – eldest Mary and little Theon. Leading and her husband Kurban Omarov, the soul is not fer in their charming heiress. In December last year, the parents Teona noisy celebrated her birthday. At the party organized on the occasion of important family events, Borodin and lobster gathered family and friends. The event was attended by Darya and Sergey Pynzar, Elena Temnikova, Kate Susan, Elena Bushina, Natalia Pushkina, Natalia Alai and many others. Adults and children love to spend time on the incendiary occasion.

      By the way, in the course of a conversation with the correspondent of “StarHit” Kurban Omarov told about family traditions. In recognition of the businessman, in their house, decided to watch movies in the evenings. “Put the kids to bed, climb in the bedroom, buy the movie online and watch together. Militants and fiction from us once a year, and in the daily menu, something romantic, about love…” – shared man. Husband Ksenia Borodina: “Soon our family will grow!”