Работа довела Ольгу Романовскую до слез The author of “Revizorro” I saw in the hotel the mattress with blood on it. Olga Romanovskaya showed excessive emotionality, as later somewhat regretted. The star has justified before fans.

      Работа довела Ольгу Романовскую до слез

      A few months ago, the post of leading the program “Revizorro” Elena Volatile was replaced by Olga Romanov. Her appointment caused some controversy in the Network. Especially overreacted fans of the Fly, which even staged a flash mob to appeal to the creators of the program Elena back. Meanwhile, ex-member of the trio “VIA Gra”, in spite of all the criticism, took on his new responsibilities. Olga zealously and enthusiastically began to check the quality of the services offered in catering establishments and hotels.

      Meanwhile, a case happened in Perm, Romanov was forced to experience the real horror. During the filming of the program the hostess was discovered in a hotel room shocking thing. The mattress of the bed, she checked, turned out to be soiled substance that looked like blood. The star of “Revizorro” it became known that the premises do once the tragedy occurred. After seeing possible evidence of death, Olga did not keep emotions and broke into tears. After that, some viewers of the programme have condemned her for being too sentimental.

      “Last edition of “Revizorro” was about Perm. It was a moment in which I cried. Not all more than 3 hours of footage went into 8 minutes of plot, because not all of my response seemed clear, she said. – The story was about the room interrupted the person’s life. Unfortunately, the hotel did not hesitate to leave the bitter consequences of this incident. You see, when you see a subject with signs that tell about the last minutes of a person’s life and you know how much it was (and I have all passes through the imagination), then you are in control of your emotions and for a normal person, especially for women, tears are a normal reaction”.

      Elena Letuchaya apologized for leading a new “Revizorro”

      We will remind, from the moment when Romanov became the host of “Revizorro”, is not the first time there are disputes. So, at the beginning of this month the conflict occurred in Chelyabinsk. In one of the cafe, which was chosen by the producers of the program, held a wedding, but this fact didn’t stop a film crew headed by Olga from the check. The former host of the project Lena the Fly had nothing to do, how to apologize for her successor.

      “When I did “Revizorro”, I had a clear Directive: any occasion anyone we his people no harm. If we saw that in a cafe to celebrate – we turn around and leave. I don’t know why Olga did it, I believe that any occasion to people you can not spoil. Dear Chelyabinsk, I apologize for leading new Olga Romanov, young, green, didn’t understand what he was doing. Because “Revizorro” still applies to me, I apologize for new leadership”, – appealed to the fans Bat in his video blog.

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