Супруга Степана Меньщикова ждет второго ребенка Infamous eks-the participant “Houses-2” is preparing to become a father for the second time. Wife of Stepan Menschikova Eugene Shamaeva more does not hide the interesting position. After a series of quarrels and fights in the family peace.

      Супруга Степана Меньщикова ждет второго ребенка

      In the family of Stepan Menschikova is coming replenishment. Known for his hot temper and unusual behavior of the ex-participant of “House-2” Vcore will become a father for the second time. Spouse quality Shamaeva is in position. Up until now, the husband and wife did not advertise this fact.

      A family friend Andrei Cherkasov shared good news with your followers in Instagram. He has published a total photo with Menshikov and his family, which to the naked eye visible rounded tummy Eugene. “A remarkable family of Stepan Menshchikova. Soon in my category they talk about the new addition to the family”, – has signed a snapshot Cherkasov.

      However, and she Shamaeva no longer hide the pregnancy. She has published in the microblog touching self in the profile that leaves no doubt that soon the couple will have a second baby.

      Wonderful family Stepan Menschikova. Soon in my category they talk about the new addition to the family

      Photos published Andrey Cherkasov (@cherkasov119) Jul 20 2016 12:49 PDT

      We will remind, not so long ago, men’shchikova wife told me about some problems in the family. She admitted that the constant infidelity, rudeness and quarrels that happened in front of their child, it is taken out of yourself. However, Eugene and Stepan were able to build relationships and overcome all misunderstandings and disagreements.

      “Now we understand that still may exist in the same area as loved ones, relatives each other people, said Shamaeva. But as a man I certainly still don’t consider. I can’t say what’s up finally, but the question of moving until closed”.

      Stepan Menshikov tries to establish a relationship with his wife

      interestingly, Eugene grandiose plans at the beginning of this year. most likely, she will now have to adjust this list. Before it became known about beremennosti, Shamaeva wanted more time to devote to self-improvement is to go to a second higher education, to start their own business, and the son to give to kindergarten.

      “Made this time a lot of desires under peal of bells – I believe that everything will come true. Well, and goals for the coming year, of course, contemplated. Son was to be given to kindergarten and start to give more time to their own development. As wanted, I will go for psychology, and after I create training for women. I hope I will trust, and I can help,” shared Eugene plans with “StarHit”.

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