Жена Диброва переживает из-за лишнего веса
Pauline gained pounds after taking pills.

Polina Dibrova

The wife of Dmitry Dibrova Polina gained three pounds. The girl admitted that they got fat because of taking certain medications, which, unfortunately, have an unpleasant side effect – contribute to weight gain.

“Hang pounds dead weight, hang and scratch my nerves, — says Polina. You know, the more nervous about the extra pounds, the more I want to eat”.

The mother of three children made a promise to myself by the end of April to restore its former weight, despite the fact that she continues to receive necessary medication. It has already started to train in your favorite fitness center.

“Today the coach benched me for 20 minutes, says Dibrova. But I’m not nervous, systematically go to the goal by attending training and using the program on nutrition”.

We will remind, Polina gave birth to a third child in may 2015 and surprisingly quickly came to in shape after childbirth. However, Dibrova has never sought excessive weight loss. According to Pauline, Dmitry likes her form and he worries when his wife, in his opinion, much thinner. Then Dima even asks his a little bit better.

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