The actor was transferred from the military hospital to another hospital. His wife was told that the actor had problems with the pressure. Currently his condition is stable. “StarHit” has contacted Yvette by E., to learn about the situation.
The wife of Vladmiir Zeldin has shared with “StarHit” information on the transfer of her husband to another hospital. She said that did not have precise information on this subject, but insists that this decision was taken in connection with the General health. Currently, Yvette E. is not trying to give optimistic reviews regarding the health Zeldin, but nevertheless, she believes that soon it will get better.
“As Vladimir Mikhailovich average. Can’t say that it feels good, but more or less stable. It really was transferred to another hospital, but I honestly don’t know what is the reason, but the doctors know best, once such decision was made. The probability that he will get better there, surrounded by theater people and those with whom he now plays in the play. Let’s hope that soon he will be better,” said Ivette E. in an interview with “StarHit”.
Wife is the oldest actor in the world does not lose hope that after some time Vladimir M. once again come to the stage theatre and will continue to do what you love. About the deterioration of Zeldin became known a few days ago, when the media appeared information that the artist was taken to a military hospital. However, Yvette E. denied the fact that he was hospitalized urgently. She told me that Vladimir Mikhailovich was put in the hospital for a long time, and he is under strict supervision of doctors who are trying to establish the true causes of poor health. Presumably, the transfer to another medical ocherednye can be associated with the effectiveness and intensity of treatment, which does not know the wife Zeldin.
Wife of Vladimir Zeldin has revealed the truth about his health
In a conversation with “StarHit” the artist’s wife admitted that to speak about the great state it is difficult. It should be recalled that Vladimir Zeldin 101 years, and it really can be problems that are somehow connected with old age. In August last year, the actor stumbled and fell, resulting in the hospital. The doctors had to carry out the operation under anaesthesia. But soon Vladimir Mikhailovich became easier.
It should be noted that Zeldin is married to Yvette Kapralova in 1964, and since then they were inseparable. She is always beside her husband, trying to help him and support. She attends almost all of his theatrical performances. Vladimir remains the oldest actor not only in Russia but also in the world. About his roles in the movie say still, and the images of the performances don’t lose their significance, regardless of time. Last year artitst celebrated its 100-year anniversary. The 100th anniversary of Vladimir Zeldin: 5 bright actor roles