Вдовец сестры Григорьева-Аполлонова не может смириться с тяжелой утратой Andrew Burdukov shared their experiences. From the moment his wife, Julia Grigoriev-Apollo died after an asthma attack, it took several months. The man admitted that many friends can’t share his grief.
Вдовец сестры Григорьева-Аполлонова не может смириться с тяжелой утратой

At the end of July, died the sister of the soloist of group “Ivanushki International” Andrei Grigoriev-Apollo Julia. The woman died in her home in Sochi. Julia suffered from asthma. After the death Grigorieva-Apollonova her husband Andrew Burdukov was at the center of the scandal. Social media users were outraged hashtags, which he added to the publication dedicated to the loss of a loved one, as well as mentioning workout at the gym.

Wife sister Grigoriev-Apollo accused of “PR” at her death

A few months after his wife died, Andrew admitted that it would be hard to think about the upcoming New year. According to the man, he cannot come to terms with the death of the second half.

“I guess my Nordic character and well-functioning Central nervous system are misfiring. Only now comes the full realization of what happened. I’m terrified, when you start thinking about the New year, do not understand how, with whom and for what it is I need. Where to hide and hide! At the same time being alone unbearable as you get up, try to surround yourself with people – any only. As soon as pause is all sadness, sorrow and longing rolled with terrible force! Nobody except me will not help, but I don’t want to. Someone to share and ask for help do not know”, – said Burdakov.
Вдовец сестры Григорьева-Аполлонова не может смириться с тяжелой утратой

The man said that was sincerely admired the cheerfulness of his wife and her abilities to convey their mood to others. After Julia died, everything changed.

“I don’t know what happened with the departure of Julia, she drew all to itself as a planet. Maybe something with me not so much demand from life, from the environment? Although please just be with me. Can’t somewhere to come alone, for me it is a Supreme bummer. Yes what far to walk, even his friend asked me to help him in his birthday. I helped him very much, and he told me in response: “what’s wrong with you, I have too, my mom died a few years ago?” That’s it! We do not need anyone, when we do poorly – no friends, no acquaintances, and only parents and his mate,” said Andrew.

The man wished the followers to appreciate their loved ones and try to give them the time. “Then it will be too late,” he explained.

Social media users are advised Andrew to stay. “Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger”, “be strong, all over the will, else you will have happiness”, “Only time will help to restore the balance – not only physical but moral” “Alas, such is life. I went through all this with the “friends” of ten years ago. With experience realize that they need only themselves and their parents”, “I understand you”, – commented on the followers burdukova.

Civil husband Oleg Yakovlev Alexander Kutsevol also decided to cheer up Andrew. “Yes, only parents and second halves! Indeed. I am also going crazy from the silence and solitude. Also repeat to all: “Get me everywhere!” And don’t understand this celebration of the New Year… Why,” said she. In turn, Burdukov promised Kutsevol to meet in the near future.