Вдова Марьянова рассказала, как нашла силы жить после смерти мужа
Ksenia BICK gave a Frank interview after the tragic events.

Dmitry Maryanov and Xenia BIK


Ksenia BIK found a way to cope with grief after the death of her husband
— actor Dmitry Marjanov, who died suddenly at the age of 47 years, three
months ago. Ksenia said that for the first time in my life I got a job and
this gives all their strength. This information the Beek shared with Starhit.ru.

The actor’s widow said that now works as a psychologist and
in parallel he is an expert in the charity project.

“Favorite phrase
about the most productive in the world as sorrow, as it is impossible by the way
reflects my life situation, says BICK. — Well, where
more? Depression, self-pity, unhappiness hoisted the man, and especially woman, on a kind of needle. You without end regret. Everything and always, until it
tired, and people just give! And this rust is able to eat you to the ground.
No strength, no desire, no time. Worse and difficult to imagine! The most stupid
of all possible scenario is to lie down and die right there on the couch. And God be with him
if you are one! And if the kids? So I don’t come up with anything better than
strength and without the slightest desire for the first time to get a job in Moscow. For the first time.
Without connections and help.”