Почему Энн Хэтэуэй чувствовала себя самой несчастной, когда получила долгожданный “Оскар”

Почему Энн Хэтэуэй чувствовала себя самой несчастной, когда получила долгожданный “Оскар”

Yesterday, 12 November 2019, the Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway celebrated her 37th birthday. In honor of this event, a celebrity gave an interview and explained why she felt the most miserable in the world at the time of awarding the prize “Oscar”.

Many fans thought that Anne suffers from depression or a psychological disorder, but it was much easier. The fact that at the time of the ceremony, the actress had the flu and debilitating temperature it attacked is not the first day. Besides, it was between the end of filming “Les Miserables.”

The actress wanted the role, so we approached the samples thoroughly. She sang Fantine’s Aria, so much so that the Director cried at the end. Of course, after all this hoopla, it confirmed for the role.

Possible to get used to the role, Hathaway read the original novel by Victor Hugo and completely dissolved in the plight of its heroine. She admits that at some points she even rose a lump in my throat from the experience of the senses. The actress thought that all this is happening really, just starring her and her real husband.

By the way, when did the shooting of “Les Miserables” Anne’s husband Adam was very busy with work, so come and support his beloved had not happened. The couple agreed that Adam will come, when Anne will star in the final scenes. It just happened. However, the arrival of her husband, broke shooting the whole group. Hathaway could not pull myself together, her eyes gleaming with happiness, and it was not acceptable to the tragic scenes. So the final had to be postponed.

In the story, Fantine was very rejected and unhappy woman. For the sake of happiness of her daughter she had to sacrifice their luxurious hair and body. So Anne immediately warned that during the filming she would have to cut her hair and completely change the style. But the actress was not even thought to resist, how could she say anything against such a lovely role.

The words was easy, but when it came down to it, then there is Hathaway panicked. At first she refused to go to the hairdresser, not mentally prepared she is for this event. But when we were in the chair of a beauty salon, then for a moment ceased even to breathe, all the while the stylist worked on her image, the actress sat with his eyes closed. It was the first but not the last victim for this role.

At the end of the film, so her character looked really exhausted, Anne had to lose weight drastically, but she was not averse to losing a few pounds. With the growth of 173 sm, the actress weighed only 58 kg. She completely refused to eat and in moments of attacks of hunger allowed myself to eat a little hummus or radishes. Hathaway was so strict to yourself in terms of weight loss, what her aspirations ended not very positive. On a certain day the scales showed 47 kg, then the Director scolded the celebrity and made fully fed. Ann admitted that in this period of her life she often dreamed of a normal human food.

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