Почему годы не властны над Ларисой Вербицкой: 5 секретов красоты телеведущей
7days.EN found five major beauty secrets 56-year-old star.

Secret # 1. “We need to listen to your body”

Почему годы не властны над Ларисой Вербицкой: 5 секретов красоты телеведущей

“Never dieted and did not suit the fasting days. I just always, always take care of themselves”

Photo: Mark Steinbock

One of the most famous Russian TV presenter Larisa Verbitskaya believes that excess weight is a threat to everyone, and especially for someone who’s lazy attitude. “You need to constantly think about what you eat and in what quantity. Miracles do not happen! Man is a machine, which should work: wheel — spin, the motor to generate power. And food is our fuel. Than it better, the better “machine”. Therefore, it is necessary to eat correctly and in balance, so the body got all the necessary materials,” — said the star.

According to Verbitskaya, she never in life sat on a diet. “First, it’s boring — a few days to drink, for example, a yogurt — said “7 Days” Larissa. — And secondly, I have a very tight schedule, demanding, and debilitating diet the body. And fasting days I’m not satisfied. You just have to listen to yourself, to your body. About 18 years ago, the presenter completely refused from sweet, salty, fatty, starchy foods, spicy food and smoked. “I convinced myself that it is harmful. If, nevertheless, give up the slack, then long I will feel guilty,” admitted the star.

By the way, in 2003, Larisa took part in the project “the Last hero 3: Staying alive” after the shooting in which she was a vegetarian. “I had 37 days to survive on very meagre rations. After this unusual experience of suddenly there was a need to reconsider their views on food. There was some spontaneous rejection of meat. Here ceased to please, and everything! But now I really feel much easier,” says Verbitskaya.

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  • Почему годы не властны над Ларисой Вербицкой: 5 секретов красоты телеведущей
    Larisa Verbitskaya


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Почему годы не властны над Ларисой Вербицкой: 5 секретов красоты телеведущей

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