Кто протянет пистолет Дубровскому? My trip to the show, which has already called quest, RPG and the parade theme. No options – the most sensational theatrical premiere this fall – “Black Russian”. Director Maxim Didenko brought to Moscow their idea of an unfinished novel Pushkin “Dubrovsky”.

      Кто протянет пистолет Дубровскому?

      In the day when I came to the show, Spiridonova mansion in the Small Gnezdnikovsky lane, where the action is, from the Maybach, Bentley and other fabulously expensive cars dazzled the eyes. In the hall has a capacity of only 80 spectators, it was possible to get a special address, in which, for example, was this passage: “Black Russian” invites you to the House Troyekurov, there is a tendency to keep my mouth shut, but it is not customary to behave in hands”. And one of the 12 highlighted the rules of the play read: “No special mask to spy what is happening is prohibited.” Therefore, all guests of the performance were divided into three groups. The foxes watched the life of Masha Troekurova, “owls” with the way the house introduced the owner and the team, which included me, were issued with masks of deer, we looked at the world through the eyes of Vladimir Dubrovsky. The main shock of the play – only after 10 minutes after the start I realized that in the role before me Dubrovsky Vladimir Koshevoy! Last time we saw him 14 years ago. Him, a second year student of GITIS, was invited in his famous play “Kitchen” by Oleg Menshikov. I started working in a new project “Big wash”, found time for all theatrical premieres and personally met with the future heroes of the air, which immediately took and Volodya.

      Кто протянет пистолет Дубровскому?

      Today to arrange an interview with Kosh is very difficult. After the fantastic success in the TV series “Crime and punishment” – I’m sure the Dissenters would have struck even Dostoevsky himself – actor chooses Directors and packs rejects the scenario trash. “I used to play in a different as said Ranevskaya, spitting into eternity. Now even for a living can’t, shame.” We deal in Aeroexpress, Vladimir flies to St. Petersburg, where engaged in the performance of the famous theatre “Player”. “Unbelievable cosmic power actress!” – he admires his partner for the “Player” Svetlana Kryuchkova. And when I ask him to compare yourself today with the 26-year-old guy with whom we had coffee on Clean ponds (amazing, but apparently Vladimir has not changed), he says: “you Know, I listened to stories about your new program, saw the enthusiasm and felt the man – a new stage of life. I have this phase has begun only now. And how open I was. Happily at all rushed, literally screaming, which is 250% ready for work, but I replied: “You are not!” Therefore, the soul wide open I can easily not turn out”.

      Кто протянет пистолет Дубровскому?

      – With regard to profession, you, as before, all laid out on 250%, if not more. On “Lenfilm” I still remember how in “Crime and punishment” in the scene of the murder of Lizaveta you from the sight of fake blood fainted.

      – Yes, there it poured so much that any man would have fallen like that. But this story has a sequel. When I starred in the film about Rasputin, realized my old dream – I was Felix Yusupov. Vladimir Mashkov played a major role, if you saw me on the set, was very surprised: “You’re alive and well, and I was told crazy after Raskolnikov”.

      – And why Yusupov wanted to play?

      – Every historic character has their own theme. The ability to do things, to go against everyone, not to retreat before any obstacle, sacrifice, absolute belief in his mission. Until the last day of the life of Felix Yusupov was sure that, having organized the murder of Rasputin, I acted as the Savior of Russia.

      Кто протянет пистолет Дубровскому?

      – Back to the “Black Russian”. In one of the episodes Masha before getting completely naked. And you’re on stage ready to strip?

      – We have even occupied the most beautiful and most popular young Actresses. One ravshana Kurkova, although this is her first theater experience, is worth. As for your question, before – never! And today, if I trust the Director, I accept his explanation and understand that it will complete the look, I would agree.

      – About the “Black Russian”, declared the play an immersive, that is, involving the viewer in the action stage, mixed. Some say that in addition to playing Mishka in this mess of characters, escapades on the topic of drink-snack with dance and pantomime, nothing memorable.

      – I care about the role of Vladimir Dubrovsky, I’ve been going to. But our task is not to please the viewer, who, lolling in an easy chair, says: “Well, mummers, come on, surprise me!” We let people into their world, with them trying to solve some mystery – this Pushkin tale full of mysticism. But if they’re willing, whether in the same fatal scene with a hungry bear to understand that the decision is theirs to make, and lend me a gun?

      Кто протянет пистолет Дубровскому?