Journalists have calculated the amount of the inheritance allegedly bequeathed to the flamboyant artist.
The scandal around the fabulous inheritance, descended on the head of Nikita Dzhigurda has been simmering for several months. At the beginning of the year the actor has publicly stated that it will soon become a multimillionaire. Supposedly, a close friend of Nikita, the godmother of his child Lyudmila Bratash, who died in February 2016 under mysterious circumstances, left him neither more nor less than 800 million rubles.
At the moment in question is not only the legitimacy of the wills as drafted it was in America and, according to the notary, does not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation in form and content, but a specific amount. It turned out to be much lower than expected.
Lyudmila Barash, earned their capital on the successful sale of real estate and business flights was, as it turned out, the poor woman. Few apartments in Moscow in the elite areas and one in Paris, expensive car, jewelry, Bank accounts. But even the most daring calculations of journalists, the total amount of savings women is 280 million, writes “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. To announced Dzhigurda 800 far. And not the fact that the money the odious actor will receive.
The sister and the driver Bratash are trying to challenge the decision of Ludmila and even accused him of stealing. They say that the actor, taking advantage of the helpless state of a woman, cleaned out her safe, and to make a will in her name and not forced. The chair believes that in the death of Ludmila (which, in the opinion, died from traumatic brain injury) blame the driver. Such a detective, to understand which, it seems, have the investigators.