Что вы не знали о сладкой жизни: кондитер раскрыл секреты звездных клиентов Renat Agzamov told how Natasha Koroleva has set a trend in worm-eaten cakes and how he almost lost the most ambitious masterpiece. “StarHit” talked with the Creator of spectacular desserts and found out what sacrifices he has to make to the holidays and celebrities were perfect.
Что вы не знали о сладкой жизни: кондитер раскрыл секреты звездных клиентов

Star pastry chef Renat Agzamov told how Natasha Koroleva has set a trend in worm-eaten cakes and how he almost lost the most ambitious masterpiece. His works are eating the cream of Russian show business, and call them simply “food” even language is not rotated. The International day of cake, which the world celebrated on 20 July, one of the most famous confectioners of Russia Renat Agzamov showed their best creations “StarHit”. What secret meaning, he invested in the jubilee masterpiece for Philip Kirkorov and what is set in one of them air conditioning?

the Royal

In April Philip celebrated in the Kremlin 50th anniversary, and, of course, entrusted the creation of one of its main elements Renata.

Что вы не знали о сладкой жизни: кондитер раскрыл секреты звездных клиентов“The cake for this holiday, I prepared about three months, told Agzamov “StarHit”. – First, we made a baguette – chocolate stand at the base, she weighed more than 50 kg, and the product itself is more than 400. The top is manually covered it with gold leaf”.

Philip responsible attitude to the decoration of the dessert. “We have the suits, in which an exact copy will be placed on the cake. About it he told me the whole legend – continues Renat. – For us it’s just a detail, we do everything by the picture, and for the customer – history, personal experiences, stage of life. Cake the result was a deep meaning. On top of the letter “I”, then a crown of caramel diamonds, below a man in different ways. “I’m the king say,” as if to say sweetness. Philip was very surprised when I saw what happened.”


Что вы не знали о сладкой жизни: кондитер раскрыл секреты звездных клиентов

A key element of cake for Alexander Revva became a major figure of the showman with a naked torso.

Что вы не знали о сладкой жизни: кондитер раскрыл секреты звездных клиентов“It was my idea, Sasha liked the idea, – says Renat. – He’s such a macho-man, all associated with a sex symbol. So even there was no other option: we came up with a clear cake that fully conform to the image Revva. And as this man adored by women, we also did lots and lots of kisses from chocolate. Daughters of Alexander and his wife were delighted.”
Что вы не знали о сладкой жизни: кондитер раскрыл секреты звездных клиентов


Rap confectioner acquainted for many years, he often prepares her cakes for personal dates.

Что вы не знали о сладкой жизни: кондитер раскрыл секреты звездных клиентов“Natasha is not afraid to be bold, to do something unusual, – says Renat. – Once we created her a cake on her birthday, on which were apples. And of them got worms – one in the bride, the other groom. After Natasha (she posted photos elsewhere) he began to use wild popularity: his order not only on the anniversary of his marriage, but the wedding itself! Recently the Queen was asked to make a cake with Hippo: one chubby in skirt and the other a strong athlete. All screamed like small children when they saw him”.


Pride Renata – “Castle Zwinger” weighing 4 tons. This masterpiece adorned one of the weddings held in the Banquet hall Safisa, Moscow.

Что вы не знали о сладкой жизни: кондитер раскрыл секреты звездных клиентов

“His photo spread all over the world, it’s a cake-legend – smiles Agzamov. – Creating the project we prepared more than six months. I even went to Dresden, I removed the silicone mold from the Palace. And a very long time to reconcile this point with the administration. The Zwinger Palace is a real building, where at one time the kings held a feast, celebrated weddings, coronations. I have long dreamed about something like this. Inside the cake we used the monitors had a feeling that it is a small copy of a building, between the arches which go to the bride and groom. Separately filmed them against a green background, in order to make this projection. And in the center of the cake the newlyweds were joined in the wedding dance.”

All was left to chance, but at the rehearsal, the day before the event, the unexpected happened.

“The screens started to heat up, and mastic from the sides to melt – continues Renat. I took an emergency decision, you need the inside of the product to integrate supply-and-exhaust ventilation system. We have made real houses posted in cake air, so it cooled from the inside, while waiting for the export to the gym.”