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Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie is really risking his life. And, it seems, is not going to stop his fall. We have reported that celebrity practically nothing to eat, only smoke, thus, its weight is declining. Artist, defending his desire to have sole custody of their six children, brought himself to extreme exhaustion – its weight, say insiders, is already below the critical 34 kg.

“She looks like a toothpick, hands is bones covered with skin. Her weight loss could cost lives, but it does not stop,” — said the insider.
Dr. Stuart Fischer, having seen recent photos Jolie, stated that it “has long passed the critical mark”.
The situation worsened after against the husband and celebrity Brad pitt was cleared of allegations of domestic violence, in particular, his aggressive attitude with the kids. An investigation initiated by itself Jolie, hiding behind the desire to “protect the family”. Thus sole custody of the children, which is seeking Angelina, she might not have.
Recall that Angie filed for divorce in September of this year. Previously, she had undergone several operations to remove mammary glands and ovaries – I wanted to protect myself from getting sick with cancer that claimed her mother’s life.
“I want to see my children grow, to see our grandchildren,” — explained then it is your decision. Did you change your mind? Who will raise the kids and babysit the grandkids, if life in a rapidly shrinking actress, once recognized as the most beautiful, will fade?