Вячеслав Разбегаев вновь станет отцом “StarHit” find out who of the celebrities preparing for the replenishment of the family. As it turned out, the wife of actor Vyacheslav Razbegaeva is in an interesting position. Again try on the role of the Pope and the soloist of group “Chelsea” Denis Petrov.
Вячеслав Разбегаев вновь станет отцом

From day to day will be the father of 52-year-old sex symbol of Russian cinema Vyacheslav Razbegaev. His wife Natalia is in her last weeks of pregnancy. The couple are raising two daughters.

According to sources close to the actor, his heir rejoice in the replenishment of the family. Fiancee Razbegaeva decided to give birth overseas, and at home. While the wife is preparing for an important event, the actor continues to work in several projects – he plays in the performances of Ladies Night and “Love Mondays” and also starred in the TV series “Junior”.

“And this girl – said, “StarHit” friends of the couple. – To give birth she will be in Moscow. Daughter looking forward to the appearance of the little light.”
Вячеслав Разбегаев вновь станет отцом

Not only Vyacheslav Razbegaev will once again be a father. The second time will try on the role of the father 33-year-old soloist of group “Chelsea” Denis Petrov. As it turned out, the pregnancy of the wife of the musician isn’t smooth. This “StarHit” she told Anastasia. According to a lady artist, she has faced a number of problems, so was forced to go to the doctors.

“On the seventh week started bleeding, – says a young woman. Lying in the hospital for saving shots, IVS… Just came to him, as the terrible morning sickness, migraines. Then I was in Botkin, I was diagnosed with “meningitis”. The doctors saw how I am and wanted to inject medications that are dangerous for the baby. According to the rules, as it was only the 22nd week, they should save the mother, not the fetus. But nothing happened”.

Over time as Anastasia had improved significantly. As it became known “StarHit”, now the wife of Denis Petrov feels fine and is even preparing to take part in the filming of the TV program. The choice of the artist and other star moms will tell the viewers about the preparation for childbirth.

Add that Denis Petrov and his fiancee Anastasia are raising three-year old son of Plato. Steam does not hide the child, and often shares his photos on social networks, causing excitement among followers.