Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука» A year ago, the daughter of the famous comedian Anastasia gave birth to a son Fyodor. Vladimir Vinokur enjoys spending time with the baby and believes that the birth of the boy even more United with his successor. He said “StarHit”, teaches his grandson how to speak and why not give him toys.

      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»

      Vladimir Vinokur said year in the status of Santa – December 10, 2015 the daughter of a celebrity, soloist of the Bolshoi theatre Anastasia, gave birth to a son. We met with the impersonator to find out what he gave his grandson for first birthday. “Opened in his name a Bank account, – said Vladimir Natanovich. – Overalls and diapers parents him buy, and toys of the baby in bulk. And money is always needed to 18 years Fedya decent amount accumulated, get yourself something substantial – maybe.”

      Grandfather Vova

      Vladimir Natanovich, hurried daughter to give you a grandchild? Or are you one of those fathers who does not interfere in the personal lives of children?
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»I’m advocating that everything went on as usual. No marriage she did not get, nor with the child… When released, then in and out, when I get pregnant, then get pregnant. She is a late child, his wife gave birth to her in 32 years. Tamara was a ballerina, at one time worked in the Theater of Stanislavsky, building a career. How can you rush a ballerina, because its lifetime is so short? Nothing wrong with that the child came when my wife was over 30, I don’t see, so Nastya in this regard went in our footsteps – this is normal.—
      As the daughter reported that the family is coming replenishment?
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»It happened over dinner. Of course, I was very happy, because whatever it was, didn’t want to be quite so ancient grandfather, who is unable to heir on his hands to take. A certain desire to be born a boy or a girl, I was not. But now, when Fede a year, even Tamara, which is more girls love, no-no and will say: “it’s great that we have it kid.” That was grandpa Vova, I learned from other obstetrician of Mark Kurtzer, – Anastasia had given birth. He called and said, “you Should be happy,holding hands on the younger Vinokur – copy of you!” I first with this news got a mother, her next year will be 95 – it is, of course, happy as I caught Pedicu.—
      They say that grandchildren love more than children. As in your case?
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»When Fyodor has no smell, I discussed this topic with friends and colleagues who have already become grandparents. It turned out it really is. Earlier we with Nastya had a phone call a day to check any news. With the advent of Fedi my daughter in constant contact – sometimes three times a day she gets. Well, they live near Gregory: if I’m not on tour, every night you call – say, are you still awake? And I will stop by to play with Fedka. Come, he crawls towards me – and I’m going mad from love. Take him in my arms, kiss me too… Little loves – pulls the handle, hugs. So my grandson Bros. When away, I miss him. Write to Nastya: “I Came pictures of how my comrade?” She sends, and I revise, revise…
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»

      Smiling kid

      Grandson like you?
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»He loves to make faces, well, you know who. When Fede was six months, he smiled as the Chinese screwed up his eyes, stretched his lips in a thread. We wondered – what is that news? And then I realized – it portrays us as we Lisp. Parodist is growing, all in grandfather! I do like that Fedka we have a smiling kid, not a crybaby, bold. In summer, the two weeks vacationing with the whole family in Israel, lived by the sea. Gregory the baby in every possible way threw and threw in the water Michelle was excited, not scared, not capricious. He’s a sociable guy, happy to go to all hands on – including the guests. Sometimes, children are scared of strangers, but it’s not one of these, fortunately. Fedka – meteor, very agile. Just won’t be able to tell he’s already in the bowl digs Marnie – my daughter lives Jack Russell.
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»
      What is Fedi’s first words were?
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»Like all his age, the grandson says, “mommy”, “daddy”, “let”… “Grandfather” I’m out of it still does not beat out, although for a couple of months working in this direction: “Fyodor, say “grandfather”. But he’s guerrillas… Favorite toy of his intercom. Loves to watch as I told him, standing at the entrance, waving at the camera. I also have an exclusive way of dealing with his bad mood. Once I arrived to babysit, and the grandson of cranky, doesn’t want to sit in the chair. I took him in hand and in full voice sang an Aria of Mr. IKS from the operetta “the circus Princess”. Grandson was blown away – the tears instantly dried up, he listened to the end, and then burst out laughing! So now is Fedka start to sulk – just sing.—
      Nastia give you tips on how to grow Fyodor?
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»What I can tell, if he was not involved in her education – toured the country with concerts. Nastya turned out to be a capital mom. Very caring, attentive… Until the last son is breast fed, has only recently begun to him the mixture to give. I like that she did not linger in the decree and two months ago went to work. Daughter clever all the time, although the nurses have her there. While cope on their own. My wife helps – she’s just crazy grandmother and mother Grisha always waiting in the wings. Yes, and I’ll help out: sometimes Tamara feeds Fedco, and he would not listen – refuses to eat. You have to play the play, to grimace, to take the spoon in his mouth. Son-in-law also turned out to be quite an extraordinary father, vosekalna with Fedka the only way – to redeem a diaper change and at night rises to the heir. Recently saw a picture of how young went on walks. First down Grisha’s son, a stroller and a dog. And only a few minutes left Nastya is already on all gotovenkoe. In such moments, the heart rejoices – the daughter of a wonderful family, she made the right choice.
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»
      Владимир Винокур: «Я нашел способ борьбы с капризами внука»