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A young mother told us why she and her husband quarrel.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya son

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov can’t get enough of his eight month old son Artemiy.

“Mama”, “Papa”, “Baba”, “the nanny”
— he said deliberately, — Natalya told. — Sometimes you have to touch me, “Mama, Mama, Mama!” —
his hands holding her by the neck, legs clamped me and then for me
comes crazy happiness”.

But about the upbringing of a child, the couple sometimes conflicts occur.

“Here Vova scolding me that I love and that constantly take it up, — admitted Podolski. But
after up to two years really need to take on hands, and after that view! Of course,
Vova is right that Artem boy and his need to learn more
independence. Just me as a mother to a child that is attracted to me
handle, simply impossible! I myself had a very strict father and very kind
mom’s, so observed the right balance. And in this sense I hope
Vova, that he will exercise rigor. The character Themes are very
demanding, stubborn, he will have to negotiate, he will need a lot
explain. But something — just to make a point. And I have may not be enough
durability. But Dylan hates the whims, capriciousness. He in these matters
very strict. So I think dad will do it. I have even now, when the Topic
bad eats, there is a magic phrase: “I’m going to tell dad about it.” Ironically, but
it works. Child opens mouth and eats all that is needed.”

Full interview with the star’s parents and an exclusive photo shoot with her son Artemy can be seen here.