Владимир Машков запутался в женщинах More recently, there were talks about the possible wedding of actor Xenia Terentyeva. However, contrary to rumors, the artist continues to live with Oksana Rustle. Vladimir Mashkov was seen in the company of a woman near his home in Central Moscow. The star of the film “homeland” once again went to the Ukrainian actress, whom he met in the mid-2000s.

      Владимир Машков запутался в женщинах

      About such to the man as Vladimir Mashkov dream of most Russian women. However, the actor himself for 16 years can not decide who he wants to be: with a striking, statuesque blonde or the passionate brunette. Vladimir Mashkov continuously converges and diverges with the journalist Ksenia Terentyeva and Ukrainian actress Oksana Shelest. At the moment the heart of a star movie belongs to the latter. Sovesm recently in the press, speculation about the possible wedding of Vladimir Mashkov and Xenia Terentyeva. However, despite these conversations, the artist continues to live with another woman.

      It Oksana lives with Vladimir in his apartment in Moscow on Strastnoy Boulevard. Woman is familiar with the friends of the actor, and his staff. The driver, Sergio, who works with star cinema for almost 20 years, does not approve of the current choice of the actor. Because of her, he even decided to resign. The man said that Olga often short-tempered and swears without a good reason. According to him, the woman quite similar to Xenia Terentyeva.

      “Rustling is quite different. As he moved, it became all the chores in the house to fill. Volodya himself isn’t in charge, everyone owns it. Behaves like a boss! Oksana is younger than me by twenty years, I have four grandchildren, but she did not even hesitate Vova, allowed himself to insult me and send three letters. They have repairs in the apartment started, ask: “Oksana where to put things?” And she doesn’t know, but I must. Yes, how well could you stand it? So I spat, quit!”, – told the driver.
      Владимир Машков запутался в женщинах

      Just three years ago Mashkov re-establish relations with the Xenia Terentyeva. It was rumored that he met with civil wife after the divorce with the Rustle when he returned to Russia from the United States. They looked very happy, were planning to get married and start a family. But then on the horizon once again there was a Rustle. “Susie, then the priorities have changed – she’s no child simply could not live, really wanted. In General they lived in, and then the Rustling re-emerged in the life of Vova and took it a second time. Terentyev just survived, but Oksana took her place, wearing on him some dark glasses – he’s all around ceased to notice”, – said Ravil.

      By the way, son, adopted son Andrey Mashkov born in previous relationships Oksana Shelest shared with “StarHit” the details of life together their parents. According to the guy, talk about their breakup – no more than fiction. Young people stressed that they continue to be one family, and they have everything in order. “It’s a lie. We both lived together, and live. The mother is engaged in fashion design, we have a house in America – go there for a vacation, and my dad lives there during the shooting,” admitted Andrew “StarHit”.

      As the driver told Mashkov life.ru Oksana manages the entire budget, and Vladimir is afraid to contradict her, as the wife has a very explosive character. Next to this woman actor becomes a home and is fully subject to it. Surrounded by saying that the Rustling has completely changed Mashkov.