Владимир Фриске не передумал возвращать внуку Платону недвижимость
Open conflict between the family of Jeanne and Dmitry Shepelev began immediately after the funeral, and has turned into a real war.

Владимир Фриске не передумал возвращать внуку Платону недвижимость

A year after the death of the lawyer Friske told that “the father and mother of Jeanne wills his inheritance to Plato”.
And share in the apartment, and half of the house, and even funds that remained in the accounts of Joan. Gave everything just to see her grandson! And the property will be dispose of according to Plato reaching adulthood, ‘ said the lawyer in an interview with reporters.

All the same told and Vladimir Friske. In addition, he made it clear that they will do everything to adulthood Plato, Shepelev could not use funds belonging to Plato.

Владимир Фриске не передумал возвращать внуку Платону недвижимость

But, yesterday, Mr Miller, has been back on TV where he talked about how he misses his grandson and how he loves. In addition, the father of Jeanne Friske obratilsya to Plato from the TV screen and said literally the following:

“And everything here where we live, it’s yours. And your apartment and your house. All you have rewritten. Is a Testament to you.”

Владимир Фриске не передумал возвращать внуку Платону недвижимость

That is, is a Testament and a will, as you know, comes into force only after six months from the date of death of the testator. So now Plato will get paid his share of the estate is not at age, and at the time of death of grandparents. And that, with high probability, will come much later than the age of majority.

So, with the good, Vladimir Borisovich doesn’t want to leave and Plato will have to wait.