Владимира Епифанцева подозревают в пропаже ребенка
Popular actor Vladimir Epifantsev was in a very complicated story.

Владимира Епифанцева подозревают в пропаже ребенка

In Dagestan, gone girl 14 years old, she told her parents that she was tired of this life, and she travels to Moscow.

After that with the parents of the girl did not communicate.

Friend Patimat, who met her from the plane reported that the girl had announced his intention to go to the Studio of the actor. She said that he talked to her on the Internet.

“Patya not lived with me. She arrived during the night, he called and said that in Moscow. I said, you went nuts, told his friends, her friends, they met her, and we called my parents the next day to come pick her up. She arrived during the night, and five or six in the morning she was taken, she sat and waited for their parents. She was crying, sobbing, asked for forgiveness that set me up,” said Vladmir.

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