Владу Кадони разбила нос пышнотелая участница «Дома-2» Leading the project was seriously injured during filming. According to one version, the participant of telestroke Alexander Black injured Kadono nose.
Владу Кадони разбила нос пышнотелая участница «Дома-2»

Fans of “House-2” I clearly remember that senior project Vlad Kadoni repeatedly teased the fullness of the participating Sasha Black. Many have suggested that she thus took revenge for the hurtful statements.

On one of the news video portals dedicated to the project, there was footage of Kadono cover your nose with a handkerchief.

It should be noted that the body of Vlad was operated on a few years ago. As argued by the presenter, he wanted to “get hype”. “Then, 7 years ago, I had more important process than the outcome. Now – attention! – question: “was there plastic?” – reported by Kadono in an interview with “StarHit”.

Sasha Black has vempala in conflicts with members of the cast. The girl is one of the most prominent heroines of the project “Dom-2”. Her height is about 183 cm, and weight about 130 kilogrammov. Members of the reality often reproached Black-and overweight, but she refused to exercise and observe proper nutrition.

Fans of the show know that Sasha’s life was not very easy. Since childhood, she developed a complicated relationship with her mother. She soon gave birth to Sasha and did not want to educate daughters. The lack of parental love reflected in future girls. Sasha Black said of the protracted conflict with the mother

“My mother, if it can be called such, gave birth to me in 15 years, and five years I lived with my sweet grandmother who raised me like his own daughter. More or less, but lived. We had to work with 15 years as not enough money. My mother stole money in our family. Besides me, there were three children, mother constantly changed men and cheated. Engaged in fraud, sat a few times,” told of a woman Black.