Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

All songs of Victor Queen of love. In one of his interviews, the artist said that the songs written by him, it is his personal experiences. According to Viktor Korolev, his family life lined up difficult, because he is without the rest devoted themselves to work and creativity. He believes that so is divorce.

Wife of Victor, the Queen is not known. In his interviews about it he does not mention. Now the popular artist is free, he is in search of his Muse.

Viktor Korolev says he does not gives women a million roses and not shoots fireworks under Windows, everything is no frills. Holidays he satisfied people at concerts.

		Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

The women he conquers incredible expression, sincerity and love of life. At the concerts of Victor Queen reigns lyrical spirit. To the fans he has shown a lot of attention, behaving uninhibited.

		Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

Can hug and kiss spectators, despite the presence of husbands in the audience. Every he wants to send a piece of love, happiness, its crazy charging energy.

		Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

On the photo: Viktor Korolev

Viktor Korolev wants with his concert, people left a strong and cheerful, charged with happiness and energy. His work helps people to uncover your essence, to awaken the high feelings.

		Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

Victor, the Queen fans, bringing to his concerts, in addition to flowers and food.

Women want to feed your favorite artist, bringing the twist with vegetables, alcohol, fruit. So directly touching they Express their love for him.

		Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

In the repertoire of Viktor Korolev songs “Paradise” “Sasha”, “Sarah”, “Tanya”, “Little Vera” talk about love artist women. He admits that amorous, saying that in his life there were many violent novels.

		Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

According to Viktor Korolev, these novels had, unfortunately, to the tragic end. He is sure that his destiny will still be new names and new songs.

		Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

Now in the personal life of Queen Victor a temporary lull. Knowing the love of life and unique charm of Victor Queen, no doubt favorite actor will always be surrounded by love of women.

The Family Of Victor Queen

Despite the apparent openness of Victor Queen, he becomes quite secretive when it comes to his loved ones. In his interview, the actor admits that he feels happy.

		Виктор Королев: жена и дети. Личная жизнь

On the photo: Viktor Korolev with mom and sister

He can talk about friends and fans, about creativity, about life, about your plans. But the questions about my wife and kids is not responding.

It is known that Viktor Korolev is divorced. The identity of the ex-wife of Viktor Korolev unknown, about it he never mentions. The children of Victor Queen also do not know. According to rumors in the press, the artist has three grandchildren, respectively, of Victor the Queen is.

In one interview he was asked about what he regrets. He said that he has regrets: that “nedolyubili” (reason – I had a lot of work) and “nedovospitali”.